Income Tax and Accounting Service by CPA & Enrolled Agent.

What is Tax Cliniq?

Tax Cliniq was established in the year 2010 to serve small businesses and Individual taxpayers throughout the United States. Our dedicated team  members consist of either CPA or Enrolled Agents (EA) who are well equipped  with solid Accounting and Tax backgrounds. We treat all our clients with  respect, and we maintain strong ethics to safeguard clients’ data and  information.

Why Us?

We usually ask one question to our prospective clients: “Why do you need an  accountant?” We encounter various answers to this question. For example – I  just started a business; I want my taxes to be done properly; All businesses  must have one; or simply “I don’t know”. To our surprise, the majority of small business owners are in haywire, and don’t exactly understand why they need  an accountant. To simplify, you need a Financial Accountant to keep track of  revenue, expenses, assets, and liabilities so that you can visualize your business better. Tax Accountant, on the other hand, assists you in better understanding  the tax implication of each financial transaction that occurs in your business. With these factors in mind, Tax Cliniq combines Accounting, Tax and  consulting services into one platform so that small businesses can get  professional support without a hefty price tag. We are aware of the fast and  ever-changing business culture we are currently experiencing, and thus, Tax  Cliniq has incorporated the ability to provide all services remotely with  safeguards in place.